CR3 with asu-MSX Library for BDS C

ver 1.1 (C) Masaki Oba 2017

24 Mar 2017

Download CR3 with asu-MSX Library Source files and Development Environment for Windows(24 Mar 2017)
(including third party products)

Play on HTML5
Play on web site

What is the CR3
CR3 is the mini game for MSX2 computer.
Writtern by BDS C + asu ansi2kr(ANSI C to K&R C converter).
and ported HI-TECH C Ver 3.90 CP/M
Open source.
Example program of asu-MSX Library for BDS C
and Example MSX program for HI-TECH C(CP/M)

What is the asu-MSX Library for BDS C
It is the MSX Library for BDS C written by Z80 assembly language.
but long long time ago I lost latest source files.
then lost MSX sprite function and copy image data to VRAM function.
I remaked from old source files.Mar 2017
but does not have sprite fucntion and copy image data to VRAM function yet.

2-Clause BSD License

Target OS:
but HI-TECH C does'nt support MSX-DISK-BASIC)

Target machine:
MSX2 computer or MSX2 emulator.
MSX2 emulator work on Windows,HTML5,Mac OS,Linux...

Supported C Compiler:
BDS C V1.60 + asu ansi2kr(ANSI C to K&R C converter)
HI-TECH C Ver3.90(CP/M)

porting from BASIC language program,
COLUMNS modoki "Micom BASICmagazine"(Japanese magazine) August 1990,88page.

Run on MSX-DOS
input "cr3" and Enter(Return)key.
(if rename to

bload "cr3.bin",r

printf(),getchar(),etc... does work on MSX-DISK-BASIC.
but fopen(),fprintf(),etc... does not work on MSX-DISK-BASIC.
other function does work or not check yourself please.

CR3 Source files for BDS.C
cr3.c C source for BDS C with asu ansi2kr(ANSI C to K&R C converter).
masc.c C source for BDS C with asu ansi2kr(ANSI C to K&R C converter).
masa.czm Z80 assembler source for zmac with aapp, zcasmb.exe, ihex2bin, bloadmake.
masa2.czm Z80 assembler source for zmac with aapp, zcasmb.exe, ihex2bin, bloadmake.
masa3.czm Z80 assembler source for zmac with aapp, zcasmb.exe, ihex2bin, bloadmake.
(CR3 no use masa3.czm)
(masc and masa, masa2, masa3 is MSX library files)

CR3 Source files for HI-TECH.C(CP/M)
cr3.c C source.(require add #include "cr3ht.h" to head of cr3.c)
masc.c C source.
mascht.c C and inline Z80 assembler source. for HI-TECH C
msxcg.c C and inline Z80 assembler source for HI-TECH C

Compile by BDS C for (target)MSX-DOS on windows
(require: asu ansi2kr , CP/M program EXEcutor for Win32)

Compile by BDS C for (target)MSX-DISK-BASIC on windows
(require: asu ansi2kr , asu bloadmake , fixed C.CCC , fixed DEFF.CRL, fixed DEFF2.CRL ,CP/M program EXEcutor for Win32)

Compile by HI-TECH C for (target)MSX-DOS on windows
(require: add #include "cr3ht.h" to head of cr3.c)
(require: CP/M program EXEcutor for Win32)
cpm c cr3.c masc.c mascht.c msxcg.c
cpm c cr3.c masc.c mascht.c libm.lib
(libm.lib = MSX-C Library gokan(compatible) library for HI-TECH C)
(if use msxcg.c then no need libm.lib)
(msxcg.c also MSX-C library compatible.
but msxcg.c does not have many function.)

Assemble MSX library of BDS C for MSX-DOS on windows
require "asu aapp" + zcasmb.exe + zmac + "asu ihex2bin".
(output masa.crl , masa2.crl , masa3.crl) crlmakemsxdos.bat masa
crlmakemsxdos.bat masa2
crlmakemsxdos.bat masa3

Assemble MSX library of BDS C for MSX-DISK-BASIC on windows
(output masab.crl , masa2b.crl , masa3b.crl) crlmakebasic.bat masa
crlmakebasic.bat masa2
crlmakebasic.bat masa3

fixed BDS C sources for MSX-DISK-BASIC
(require: zmac+asu ihex2bin.)
CCC.MAC BDS C fixed initial routine(C.CCC) for MSX-BASIC.
DEFF2A.MAC DEFF2.CRL Z80 source 1.+ fixe bds.lib(include file).changed 8080 to Z80.
DEFF2B.MAC DEFF2.CRL Z80 source 2.+ fixe bds.lib(include file).changed 8080 to Z80.
DEFF2C.MAC DEFF2.CRL Z80 source 3.+ fixe bds.lib(include file).changed 8080 to Z80.
STDLIB1.C BDS C standard library DEFF.CRL C source 1.(no fix. must recompile)
STDLIB2.C BDS C standard library DEFF.CRL C source 2.(no fix. must recompile)
STDLIB3.C BDS C standard library DEFF.CRL C source 3.(no fix. must recompile)

NabetaJisho Japanese