ZCASMB (Z80 link tool for BDS C,Windows)
ZCASMB Copyright (c) 2017 Masaki Oba
ZCASM Copyright (c) 1983 Brian Waldron, Xerox Corporation
What is the ZCASMB
ZCASM and ZCAMB is the Z80 assembly language link tool for BDS C compiler.
Text to text translator.
Convert CZM format Z80 assembly source file to CRL format Z80 assembly source file.
ZCASMB written by ANSI C(C++ Builder) for Microsoft Windows.(may be work on other OS).
ZCASMB a modification of ZCASM.(fork from ZCASM15.C)(CP/M to Windows)
ZCASM a modification of Leor Zolman's CASM(CP/M)
Altered to accept standard ZILOG Z80 mnemonics and output
short labels for consumption by Microsoft's M80/L80(CP/M)
or zmac(Windows.UNIX...)
See the CASM Appendix in the BDSC User's Guide for
complete information.
(CASM is the 8080 assembly language link tool for BDS C compiler.(CP/M)
ZCASMB is hereby placed in the public domain with the restriction
that it may not be distributed for profit.
Open source.
Download ZCASMB Ver 1.6 for Windows
(including AAPP)
- ver. 1.6(Windows) 9 Mar 2017 Masaki Oba
(comment update 31 Mar 2017)
Fixed BDS C and CP/M source to Modern ANSI C and Modern OS.(C++ Builder and Windows)
Fixed "EXTERNAL" error in "IF" conditional assemble.
Fixed assembler command "SET" to "ASET".
"SET" is a assembler command for 8080 and Z80 mnemonic.
"SET" is a Z80 mnemonic. but is not 8080 mnemonic.
"ASET" is a assembler command for Z80.
Compile and link
(C++ Builder on Windows)
bcc32 zcasmb.c
Windows batch file for make CRL library file
del /q %1.crl
zcasmb.exe %1.czm
zmac.exe %1.mac
move zout\%1_temp.cim %1.crl
Windows batch file for make CRL target MSX-DOS
(if conditional assembly MSX-DOS and MSX-BASIC)
("CPM EQU 1" and "BASIC EQU 0")
(zcasm,zcasmb weak conditional assembly.some case does'nt work.)
(aapp.exe is the conditioanl assembly preprocessor."CPM" and "BASIC")
del /q %1.crl
aapp.exe %1.czm -cpm > %1_temp.czm
zcasmb.exe %1_temp.czm
zmac.exe %1_temp.mac
move zout\%1_temp.cim %1.crl
Windows batch file for make CRL target MSX-BASIC
(if conditional assembly MSX-DOS and MSX-BASIC)
("CPM EQU 0" and "BASIC EQU 1")
(zcasm,zcasmb weak conditional assembly.some case does'nt work.)
(aapp.exe is the conditioanl assembly preprocessor."CPM" and "BASIC" )
del /q %1.crl
aapp.exe %1.czm -basic > %1_temp.czm
zcasmb.exe %1_temp.czm
zmac.exe %1_temp.mac
move zout\%1_temp.cim %1.crl
NabetaJisho Japanese
Masaki Oba
31 Mar 2017