
Last update 24 Mar 2017

What is the NabetaJisho?
NabetaJisho is the dictionary search software and dictionary web site.
for Microsoft Windows or PHP+Web server.
since 2005(for Windows).
You can create NabetaJisho's dictironary data yourself.

NabetaJisho for Windows
Redistribute OK, No Attribution OK, Commercial OK, No Derivative Works
NabetaJisho for Windows(C) Masaki Oba All Rights Reserved.

NabetaJishoP for Windows
including many Products then it have many licenses.
NabetaJishoP for Windows(C) Masaki Oba All Rights Reserved.

NabetaJishoP(PHP script)
Redistribute OK, Attribution, Commercial OK, Derivative Works
NabetaJishoP(C) Masaki Oba All Rights Reserved.

NabetaJisho for Windows.(XP or later) Ver 5.8(8 Aug 2016.

NabetaJishoP for Windows.(7 or later) Ver 1.0(20 Sep 2013) install_nabetapw.exe
(PHP+HTML+Web server for windows+Original Web Browser for windows). Japanese menu)

NabetaJishoP(PHP script) Ver 1.1(24 Sep 2013)
(need web server and web browser. Japanese menu)

Nabeta text format example
#comment 1 #comment 2 #comment 3 #copyright data ;CopyrightNabeta Abcdefghijk Dictionary (C)Abcdefghijk 2016 ;word1 text1 text2 text3 text4 ;word2 text1 text2 ;dog 犬 [いぬ](mean dog.Japanese.) 狗 [gǒu](mean dog.Chinese.) หมา [mǎa](mean dog.Thai.) ;cat 猫 [ねこ](mean cat.Japanese.) 猫 [māo](mean cat.Chinese.) แมว [mɛɛw](mean cat.Thai.)

Online Dictionary site
Online NabetaJisho

Online Dictionary Quiz site
Online NabetaJisho Quiz

More information
NabetaJisho Japanese site


NabetaJisho Homepage