NabetaJisho Quiz P
The dress code is basically different with classes; the tailcoat is required in the top class competitions and the evening dress is required in the other competitions.
The players wear white costumes in summer, and in winter both the tayu and shamisen player wear white Japanese attire with short, sleeveless garments made of hemp and pleated and divided skirts made in narrow strips.
They only cut wood and tie ropes.
Although the large-scale set that perfectly reproduced the matsu no roka (the large corridor with pictures of pine trees on the wall in Edo-jo Castle) received attention and the film won a Special Award of the Minister of Education, Mizoguchi was upset by the huge commercial failure of the film.
データ見出し数 437939
NabetaJishoP Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
NabetaJisho Quiz P
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